Things down here are going very well. We had a baptism last week. His name was Aarond and he was confirmed yesterday. He is 20 years old and white. Not someone that I thought we could baptize. But, he has a solid testimony, and his parents, are returning less actives.
Richards Bay doesn't have it's own Stake (yet). It was part of the Durban stake, but now it is its own district. Basically a Stake, with no keys. President Zackrison holds the keys for the district. The missionaries are all pretty close by. They come to town every Monday, and Saturday to play soccer and email and whatnot. We get to see them all the time.
They switched out our tiny Aveo, for an Isuzu Bakkie (truck) stick shift. The same one I was driving out in Botshabelo. Super big for this town, but no one else could drive stick, and we didn't want it getting stolen in the township. Thats been our last couple of weeks.
Obviously, we went to the game park, and we got to go with two bakkies, so we went on this long 4x4 path. We bottomed out, and took some sketchy runs anyway, but it was worth it. We saw hyennas, and vultures, and tons of things we didn't think we would see. After 2 pictures at a time per email, I have shown you most of what we saw. There's a lot more pictures, but you can wait to see those. It's only like 9 months anyway. #eatenbylionswouldbeexciting
It's cool to see that you didn't sacrifice performance for looks this time with the pine wood derby car. Nathan must have won some award though. With the church activities and their celebration of mediocrity, there must have surely been a separate prize for each person. #pinewoodderbyrocks
Ok, love you guys! Hope all is well. Just know that I'm over here sweating every day, all day, everyday, allday. #renderingtheflesh
Elder Preator
Missionaries from the Durban Zone
Pictures from the Game Park: